What Happens After You Order:
When you order online, we quickly check if we have the parts in stock. Keep in mind, because many people shop online, the stock may change quickly from what you see at the time of purchase. If we don't have the parts and we can't get more from our supply chain, we'll cancel your order right away, and you won't be charged.
If we have what you need, we get it ready to ship with one of our trusted couriers like Canada Post, Purolator, Canpar, FedEx, or UPS and you can enjoy our Best Flat Rate shipping or choose the courier of your choice at checkout time.
Your order will be shipped within 1-2 business days, excluding weekends and holidays. Backorder products may delay our shipping window, but we will keep you informed about your order status if we experience delays.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or to combine orders Email us: Info@allsmallengineparts.ca
Return Policy
We want you to love your purchase from allsmallengineparts.ca! If it's not right for you, here's what you need to know:
Time Frame: Return within 30 days of receiving your order.
Conditions: Only unopened, unused parts in their original packaging.
Process: Log in, find your order, and request a return. Get an RMA number and ship it back.
Cost: You cover return shipping. We recommend a track-able method.
Refund: Expect your refund, minus round-trip shipping costs, within 5 business days of inspection.
Remember, special orders are non-returnable.
Have more questions? Email us: Info@allsmallengineparts.ca